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Art on the Lake

8 Jun

Although I haven’t been posting much, I haven’t been bored. Each day brings different views. This was today…

After a lovely walk through the park,

an early aperitivo on the balcony gave us

an art show on the lake…



Click to enlarge.



Storm Postscript

28 Jan

With thanks to the Beatles, and in particular George Harrison, for the lyrics that seem so appropriate – though a bit out of order here…

Here Comes The Sun*

“Little darling, I feel that ice is slowing melting” …
(yesterday morning)


“Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been clear”
(last evening, with the moon)



Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces…
(this morning)



Here comes the sun do, do, do
Here comes the sun 
And I say it’s all right


Are you singing along?
As George would probably say, “…it’s all right!


Thanks to George Harrison, songwriter, for the inspiration.
*Here Comes The Sun lyrics © Harrisongs Ltd.


Day 1: After the Storm

26 Jan

At 11:15 last night, the view looked like this. Clear roads, howling winds, and large rolling waves.


With little traffic, the salt trucks were moving quickly.


Then the morning came, and truth be told, I was a bit disappointed when I peered out our west-facing bedroom window. The snow was negligible after all the hype. But when I entered the east-facing living area, well, it was quite a different story. The lake was like an ocean, with 8-15 feet rollers. There was even an “iceberg” forming at the curve!


Needless to say, it was mesmerizing, even in total monotone.


And then there’s always the “adventurous” type…


It’s been fascinating watching the “iceberg” grow as the waves splashed upon it all day.



The forecast is for continued snow through the night. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but I’ll let you know. And for those of you who live a bit further from the lake, I did hear you had a bunch of shoveling to do. Stay warm and safe. As you already know, the snow is quite heavy!



Anticipating the Storm

25 Jan

Although we are about one month into winter, we have yet to experience much snowfall, but that is about to change. Even if one avoids reading the warnings, the lake has set up a notification system all of it own.

Here is a visual progression of the last few days:

Saturday, January 23, 4:25:08 PM, patches of ice forming along the break wall

Sunday, January 24, 7:45:07 AM, patches merging as they shift northward toward North Ave beach curve


Sunday, January 24, 7:45:41 am Weather Warning

©The Weather Channel

Sunday, January 24, 9:12:39 AM, ice nearly gone, and some enjoying a “birds-eye” view!


Saturday, January 24, 1:58:12 PM, fascinating ice shapes emerging along the shoreline


Saturday, January 24, 5:35:12 PM, another warning

©Chicago Tribune

Monday, January 25, 9:43:21 AM, a new, long thin ice pattern stretching  east and curving northward


Monday, January 25, 11:47:52 AM, becoming large patches of ice everywhere


A bit of history:  On February 2, 2011, 20 inches of snow fell in Chicago, trapping hundreds of people on Lake Shore Drive for hours.  (My pictures the day after.)




As a result, “turn around areas”  were added to the Drive. This morning, those cement barricades were temporarily replaced with movable  barriers, in anticipation of the storm


Monday, January 25, 11:57:37 am, another warning

©Chicago Tribune

 And so we watch- and wait. Till tomorrow…







Salute e Cent’anni!

1 Jan

Last evening, the final of 2020, the moonlit view over the lake was spectacular. But this year,  although there were no fireworks, there was something particularly unique that caught my eye – a large 100 illuminated on the face of The Drake, a storied Chicago hotel. I quickly learned that The Drake was founded in 1920, hence its 100 year celebration. 


Quickly I found myself thinking of Italy.

When Italians celebrate many of life’s happy occasions – a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, etc., they often raise their glasses in a celebratory toast and proclaim: Cent’anni!  (May you live 100 years!)

Sometimes you hear them say Salute e Cent’Anni! (to your health and 100 years!)

Given  2020, I’ll choose the second toast as my wish for you in 2021:

Salute e Cent’Anni!  

To your health and 100 years!

Wishing you a very Happy and HEALTHY New Year!





Merry Christmas! And a special Happy Birthday!

25 Dec

Wow, it has been seven months since my last post, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to convey holiday greetings.

For many, 2020 has certainly been a year to remember, or perhaps, a year to forget. For us, it’s been a pretty wild ride since March including one emergency appendectomy; one cataract surgery each; several cancelled trips to Italy and a trip to Ireland; the purchase and remodel of our wonderful new condo; and finally, the sale of our lovely townhouse which held wonderful family memories of the last 15 years. Like so many, we used social media to stay connected with family and friends and happily reconnected with some friends for the first time in a long time. Through it all, we diligently wore our masks and managed to remain healthy! 

The cancellation of our March trip to Italy set in motion a rather quick decision to move – from 42 internal stairs to a one floor condo in an elevator building. Our choice was all about the view, and happily we chose well. Who would have guessed we’d be spending so much time inside looking out? From early morning sunrises, to waves crashing over the break-wall, or moon lit ripples on Lake Michigan, Mother Nature has certainly kept us entertained.

Morning sunrises:






A summer view:


Chicago Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month:


Fall Colors:


A November walk along Chicago’s 18.5-mile Lakefront path.


Stormy days:


Moonlit nights:



Historic Sights: Lindbergh Beacon on the Palmolive Building; Hancock Building glowing in red, white and blue; Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier


And who needs a Christmas tree spotlight when the moon readily obliges!


Whatever lies beneath my tree, my very best ever present arrived 28 years ago on Christmas day! Wishing a most HAPPY BIRTHDAY (albeit a bit strange this year) to our beautiful, (inside and out), and very talented daughter Benita!

© (taken with her friends a few years back)

Wishing all a very
Merry Christmas, Buon Natale,  Happy Holiday
and a little bit of sunshine to brighten your day.





Red Skies Over Chicago

8 Jan

I’ve never seen a sky quite like this before in Chicago. These photos were taken from our snowless deck at 4:40 pm, January 8. And while today was pretty chilly, you can see that the next few days are hardly wintery. 


I’m not sure what about the weather is causing the incredible sunsets, but here’s what Mother Nature had in store for our viewing pleasure tonight…



Hope you enjoy these incredible views!





Halloween TRICK or TREAT?

31 Oct

The last few days, we have been admiring the beautiful fall colors in Chicago. Today, we awoke to this Halloween TRICK…




Even the remaining geraniums were confused…



But by early evening, the TREAT was in sight. The snow had ceased, the skies were clear, and the costumed candy seekers were happily ringing doorbells.

Perhaps next year there will be a run on “snowperson” costumes!





Vortex. Bomb Cyclone. Frigid Temps. Enough!

2 Mar

Sometimes you learn about things you’d prefer not to learn about, especially when the learning is experiential. Such has been the case this winter.

The first experience was January’s Polar Vortex. For me, it was the least bothersome of the weather events as it was January in Chicago, a time I expect it to be cold and blustery. Besides, it was pretty sunny as we went about setting new weather records.

Then in February, Len and I were visiting family in Michigan when we received weather related warnings on our phones:

Detroit Free Press

Possible bomb cyclone, seriously? We charged our phones, found candles, and waited out the next event. Although very windy and cold, the biggest impact on us was our cancelled flight to Chicago rescheduled to the next day.

Then this morning, we were greeted with these weather headlines:

Chicago Tribune, ABC7 Chicago and WGN_TV

Enough of this frigid winter! But it is March and I know soon enough, with a few sunny days and a bit of warmer air, the snow crocus will rescue us from the long winter as bits of green begin peeking out of the slowly thawing winter ground.


Vortex? Cyclone? Frigid temps? – thanks Hal Borland for reminding us that
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.


Surviving the Polar Vortex!

30 Jan

Some people attend the Olympics hoping to experience a record being set. Today, I just had to walk out my front door to experience one myself.


Now if that isn’t enough to freeze your bones, take a look at the “FEELS LIKE” temp…


-49°, seriously?

I awoke to find several kind messages of “Keep Warm” from friends across the globe, so I’m adding the conversion to celsius:


How does the “real feel” really feel? I put on a down coat, warm hat and gloves, and stepped outside for about 15 seconds. Granted, not enough for frost bite, which can occur in five minutes, but enough to feel the biting air, especially as the winds are 20-30 mph. My assessment? I think I’ll stay inside for a few days.

Our morning newspaper headlines were filled with caution:

©Chicago Sun Times:

©Chicago Tribune:

In case you are curious, The Washington Post provided a good explanation of why this is happening.

©The Washington Post

Oh well, -27 or -29, it doesn’t really matter, except perhaps for the meteorologists who just love breaking records.

Most transportation in and out of Chicago has been affected and nearly every academic institution as well as countless restaurants, businesses, etc., are closed today, and probably tomorrow. Warming shelters and food banks are busy welcoming those in need and people are encouraged to check on at risk neighbors and elderly. Let’s hope people stay inside so the first responders can as well.

As for us, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the refrigerator and wine cooler are fully stocked, we are warm, well, and weathering the weather, plus, I experienced a new record!

And, looking ahead, it’s supposed to reach 46° on Sunday, a great day for a long stroll in the park. 

