Archive | December, 2020

Merry Christmas! And a special Happy Birthday!

25 Dec

Wow, it has been seven months since my last post, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to convey holiday greetings.

For many, 2020 has certainly been a year to remember, or perhaps, a year to forget. For us, it’s been a pretty wild ride since March including one emergency appendectomy; one cataract surgery each; several cancelled trips to Italy and a trip to Ireland; the purchase and remodel of our wonderful new condo; and finally, the sale of our lovely townhouse which held wonderful family memories of the last 15 years. Like so many, we used social media to stay connected with family and friends and happily reconnected with some friends for the first time in a long time. Through it all, we diligently wore our masks and managed to remain healthy! 

The cancellation of our March trip to Italy set in motion a rather quick decision to move – from 42 internal stairs to a one floor condo in an elevator building. Our choice was all about the view, and happily we chose well. Who would have guessed we’d be spending so much time inside looking out? From early morning sunrises, to waves crashing over the break-wall, or moon lit ripples on Lake Michigan, Mother Nature has certainly kept us entertained.

Morning sunrises:






A summer view:


Chicago Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month:


Fall Colors:


A November walk along Chicago’s 18.5-mile Lakefront path.


Stormy days:


Moonlit nights:



Historic Sights: Lindbergh Beacon on the Palmolive Building; Hancock Building glowing in red, white and blue; Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier


And who needs a Christmas tree spotlight when the moon readily obliges!


Whatever lies beneath my tree, my very best ever present arrived 28 years ago on Christmas day! Wishing a most HAPPY BIRTHDAY (albeit a bit strange this year) to our beautiful, (inside and out), and very talented daughter Benita!

© (taken with her friends a few years back)

Wishing all a very
Merry Christmas, Buon Natale,  Happy Holiday
and a little bit of sunshine to brighten your day.

